
Wednesday 25 August 2021

 WEEK 4 OF TERM 3 Ending Friday 20th August.


Who would of ever guessed the whole Country would be back in level 4 lock down come Wednesday ?😟

Our teachers have spent time on Thursday preparing class sites, class blogging pages for distance learning programmes from home to begin thursday of this week.

Our Team of 5 million as our Prime Minister states kicked into action in preparing families and loved ones for level 4.

It is SOOOOOOO IMPORTANT that we all follow the guidelines of level 4, the most important one being :


New Windsor students,Make sure that you connect with your classroom teacher so that you can be engaged in your class Distance Learning programme that your teacher has put togther for you.

I have joined in on some classroom Zooms/Google meet sessions this week .

It has been so loverly to see so many of our students on Zoomz/Google Meets online and the AMAZING  creativity that they have been coming up with around their daily learning activities.

We really should keep a gallery of some of the learning  creativity that we are seeing.

Our students are so proud of what they can do as well, as are we the teachers and learning Assistants.

A huuuge Thank you also to our Parents and adults who are supporting our children with their Distance learning Programmes.

Its a team effort in the home environment as well, and for this we say ; THANK YOU,KIA ORA!

Please stay safe and warm everyone.Watch the TV  news for any  COVID 19 briefings  so that you and your family are kept up to date with what is happening around Aotearoa in such trying and hard times.

Please make time Adults and children , family too, 😊😊 to go into each Classrooms blog page and make a comment.

The Junior class blog pages are full of AMAZING πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ stories and  HAPPENINGS.

check out the many pictures and photos of learning as well.

I am going to sign off now and hop onto some classroom blog pages to see what classes have been up to while engaging in distance Learning. and post comments.

Take care everyone, and remember,


 WEEK 3 OF TERM 3. ending Friday 13th August.

TESTING TESTING TESTING...πŸ‘€πŸ‘₯πŸ˜ŒπŸ˜ŒπŸ˜ŒπŸ˜ŒπŸ˜ŒπŸ˜ŒπŸ˜ŒπŸ˜ŒπŸ˜ŒπŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

This week all our teachers have been focussing on testing  their students to see what their reading levels are at, and what progress has been made since returning from the holidays.

Why do we Test?

In teacher language we call this Assessment of learning.

Assessment /Testing in curriculum areas is carried out so that we can see where teachers need to contribute to the improvement of the learning in each classroom.

By Assessing  what is learnt on a regular basis we are able to :

Improve on our teaching and learning.

Summarise achievements.

Monitor individual levels of achievement.

These achievements are very important when it comes to report writing as well.

I have  had the pleasure of being in many different classrooms this week, working with the class while the teacher has focussed on assessing childen in writing,  and reading '

I have been very impressed with the ways in which our Junior classes have been focussing on their learning, and embedding our school values into the ways in which they work togther with each other and in support of each others learning.

Definitly my bag of fale tokens had to be filled up again very quickly as so many tokens were given out  to those who were focussing on learning activities, which was very much EVERYONE in the class.

Well done junior classes! I was VERY PROUD OF YOU ALLπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘»



Last week being week 1 of term 3 just flew by!πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€

Are you all getting ready for the olympic games 2020 to begin?

Our Teachers have been very engaged this week with lots  of learning for themselves  with our Maths Proffessional development programme called Dmic.

DMIC stands for : Developing Mathematical  Inquiry Communities.

This is an exciting way to teach Maths and our teachers  have ongoing observations by special DMIC mentors in how they are putting into practice all that they are learning from the Proffessional development sessions.

This week we were fortunate to be able to have our learning Assistants attend a PD session with our DMIC facilitators.They all found this very informative and great new learning for when they are in classrooms during maths Teaching times.

DMIC is a great maths teaching programme/pedagogy from which our Students are becoming more engaging in Maths discussions.

I hope the week has been kind to everyone and that the weather stays sunny and fine as well for the weekend.🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌟

Naku Noa,

Ms Siohane.


Welcome to week 1 of term 3 everyone.

We began our week with an assembly gathering , welcoming our new New windsor children.

Everyone seems refereshed and pleased to be back.

The classrooms are looking vibrant and teachers are rearing to go as far as the Teaching and learning goes.

The Parent Teacher Co Op met on Tuesday and have a few  School events lined up  with the first one being a movie night in week 5, on Friday the 27th August.

This will be a fun evening for children and parents complete with POPCORN and MILO 

There will be flyers sent out advertising this event soon.

Hope the first week back is a good one for all of us.

Naku Noa,

Ms Siohane.